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Okinawa Resort Surfguide







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▶︎▶︎▶︎Okinawa surfschool & guide

tour entrythis click or whats APP is +81 70 6592 7828 please text us!!

On the day, the Okinawa Surfing School course was held. If you have motivation and passion, we will support even female beginners!! One-on-one lessons that will lead to a solid takeoff even from the beginning. Full-fledged surf teaching that has more time to observe you than anywhere else, and the skills you develop while correcting each ride will lead to a year’s worth of surfing skills. Small group surf lessons with 1 to 2 groups per day. I’m not good at group lessons… I’m not good at exercise, so I want a lesson at a slow pace at my own pace… I’m not good at swimming… The advantage of one-on-one lessons is that you can take lessons at your own pace without having to adjust to the pace of other customers because you are facing an instructor. On the other hand, it is an intensive lesson, so if you don’t want to take a lesson too seriously…..it may not be suitable for people who are fine with being with everyone. There are pros and cons, but please take your time to choose the surf lesson environment that suits you and make it a wonderful first challenge ♪