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Okinawa Resort Surfguide




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▶︎▶︎▶︎Okinawa surfschool & guide

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On the day, the event was a family surfing experience course!! Everyone caught the wave for their first surfing experience♪ Thank you for all your wonderful smiles!!! A 6-year-old kid surfer is born ☺️ At first, it’s natural that he’ll be scared and even feel scared to stand on the board. However, as he watches his mom and dad surf, he seems to get the joy of it, and little by little he tries to stand on the board himself… his parents are moved. And before they know it, he’s able to laugh at the fear of the ocean and the spray of the waves. I think the child was also feeling the power and energy of nature. Surfing gives you such a wonderful experience. It’s a marine sport that represents the ocean of Okinawa, and even families with no surfing experience can enjoy it more than they can imagine. Please give it a try (^^)