沖縄親子サーフィン体験 | パパとゼロ距離でサーフィンしよう☆

Okinawa Resort Surfguide




Hi,There!! Today I went surfing with my 5-year-old self👏
This is my surfing debut at 5 years old☆
He was really enthusiastic👍he was really motivated from practicing take-off on the shore😂

First, we decided on our stance and practiced standing on the board (^^)
I was perfect at practicing on the shore, and of course I was able to stand up very well in the ocean👏
The kids were excited watching their dad splashing around🤣

It’s so reassuring and great to be able to surf with my dad at almost zero distance♡
We can speak everyday conversational English.
This is because we have a 30-day overseas training program that takes place every year.
The training location is Indonesia.
For 30 days, you will live only in English.
In Indonesia, you will develop international surfing skills.
We will do our best to support you so that you can have a great wave riding experience, so please look forward to it.
We were born in Okinawa and know the beautiful ocean better than anyone else. We will take you to wonderful beaches that are not listed in tourist books. This tour is for beginners and tourists.
We look forward to receiving your tour entry.
Best regard.

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