沖縄サーフガイド | えっ!!もう10本乗った!?波に乗れないストレスなし、メンタルヘルスにも効く沖縄サーフィン。

Okinawa Resort Surfguide

みなさんそんな贅沢な妄想を膨らませたりしませんか ?
『ウェーブプール 』です。

実はウェーブプール は沖縄のようなリーフブレイクを模範に作られた波の形なんです。知ってる方も多いですよね。
ある一定の場所に波が集まり、そこで波を待っていれば数回のパドリングで波に乗れる画期的なウェーブプール 。



【MORE INOF】 当日のサーフィン映像はこちらより↓↓

当日は素敵なお時間ありがとうございました。 またのセッション楽しみにお待ちしております。
サーフツアーのお申し込みはこちらより ※少人数制のためご予約が重なる場合はご希望の日程がお取りできない場合がございますので フライトチケットを手配される前にご相談くださいませ。

▶︎▶︎▶︎Okinawa surfschool & guide

tour entrythis click or whats APP is +81 70 6592 7828 please text us!!

On the day, the course was held for experienced surfers! The surf conditions were excellent! We had a great time with a series of nice rides. There is nothing more satisfying than catching good waves in a deserted sea on your day off. Do you ever fantasize about such luxury? A new way of surfing was born, where you have a clear turn and no fighting. It’s called a “wave pool”. It’s now popular in Japan and Korea. In fact, wave pools are modeled after reef breaks like those in Okinawa. Many people know about them. Waves gather in a certain place, and if you wait there, you can ride the waves with a few paddles. Okinawa surfing is where you can experience the reef break that became the model. In the middle of nature, and with a surf guide who has a clear turn like a wave pool. There is no other collaboration like this. You can surf in a stress-free environment, which also leads to mental health. The same environment is given to beginners to advanced surfers. You can surf in a fresh environment that everyone can enjoy. Okinawa is beautiful. You should definitely try reef break at least once (^^) I’m sure you’ll be hooked✨