沖縄サーフガイド | 波がないと思いきや….意外と遊べる沖縄の夏でChill & Relux!

Okinawa Resort Surfguide


ミッド系のボードにして正解! 小さい波をがむしゃらに鬼パドルして乗るよりも、波のサイズや波質に合わせて優雅にときにアグレッシブに。それがリーフブレイクの楽しみかたの一つです。


【MORE INOF】 当日のサーフィン映像はこちらより↓↓

当日は素敵なお時間ありがとうございました。 またのセッション楽しみにお待ちしております。
サーフツアーのお申し込みはこちらより ※少人数制のためご予約が重なる場合はご希望の日程がお取りできない場合がございますので フライトチケットを手配される前にご相談くださいませ。

▶︎▶︎▶︎Okinawa surfschool & guide

tour entrythis click or whats APP is +81 70 6592 7828 please text us!!

On the day, the course was held for experienced surfers! ! Fun wave conditions under the summer sky☆ Feels good!! Everyone enjoyed the ride♪ Today the waves were small, so let’s play with a slightly longer board or a sponge board!! But when we got in the car and arrived at the point, there were surprisingly many waves, and the waves looked clean and fun☺️ It was a good choice to choose a mid-sized board! Rather than desperately paddling on small waves, it’s better to be graceful and sometimes aggressive according to the size and quality of the waves. That’s one way to enjoy a reef break. It’s a summer wave, but it’s a reef break after all! The terrain doesn’t change all year round, so you can enjoy powerful waves even with small waves (^^) It was the best chill and relax time during my trip to Okinawa🎶