沖縄サーフィン教室 | 我流でやってませんか?プロから習う基礎は影響力が大きい!?

Okinawa Resort Surfguide

青空の下でのファンウェーブコンディションに恵まれてLet’s Surfing☺️

個人種目のサーフィンというスポーツはなかなか誰からから教わる機会が少なく ついつい我流になってしまうことも….



当日は素敵なお時間ありがとうございました。 またのセッション楽しみにお待ちしております。
サーフツアーのお申し込みはこちらより ※少人数制のためご予約が重なる場合はご希望の日程がお取りできない場合がございますので フライトチケットを手配される前にご相談くださいませ。

On the day, we held a surfing experience course for beginners and novices! ! We were blessed with fun wave conditions under blue skies, so let’s surf ☺️ Everyone had a great time and made some nice rides ♪ Surfing is an individual sport, so there are few opportunities to learn from someone, and you may end up doing it your own way… There is no “this movement is correct!” Surfing is a full-body exercise, so I think it is most important to look at the total balance of each individual’s physical strength and muscle mass, and to incorporate body movements that you can do comfortably while surfing. Many customers end up hurting themselves by trying to imitate what a professional surfer told them to do. The amount of exercise you do on a daily basis makes a difference. Please understand the mechanism of your body and learn the correct body movements and skills for you (^^)