沖縄サーフツアー | 想像していたより波に乗れた👏沖縄に行ったらみんなでやってみたい、チルサーフィン(^^)

Okinawa Resort Surfguide

そんな敷居高いイメージをがらりと変えるのがアイランドカラー のサーフツアーです。





【MORE INOF】 当日のサーフィン映像はこちらより↓↓

当日は素敵なお時間ありがとうございました。 またのセッション楽しみにお待ちしております。
サーフツアーのお申し込みはこちらより ※少人数制のためご予約が重なる場合はご希望の日程がお取りできない場合がございますので フライトチケットを手配される前にご相談くださいませ。

When you hear the word surfing, you imagine a skilled person riding the waves. Island Color’s surf tours will completely change that high-barrier image. Guests with varying levels of experience can enjoy surfing to the fullest with skilled surfers, and if the environment is right, you can enjoy surfing to the fullest. Have you ever tried surfing for the first time and felt a bit uncomfortable, the waves were too big, or thought it wasn’t for you? Don’t worry, it’s probably just because the environment wasn’t right… You may think that it can’t be helped because the other party is nature. The secret to knowing the fun of surfing is to find the perfect environment for you because you are the other party to nature. This is what makes it fun. It’s natural that you can’t choose a good environment by yourself. That’s why wave pools exist. It is said that choosing a surf spot in Okinawa is one of the most difficult in Japan. By leaving it to the professionals, you can surf in a good wave environment, improve your skills, and cultivate the correct knowledge of surfing. Please learn the true fun and knowledge of surfing and cultivate your experience.